PulmoSafe™ Natural Lung Cleansing Herbal Drops


PulmoSafe™ Natural Lung Cleansing Herbal Drops
Are you having trouble breathing due to allergies, asthma, smoking, COPD, pneumonia, bronchitis, or a weakened respiratory system? PulmoSafe™ Natural Lung Cleansing Herbal Drops for Lung and Respiratory Support give you powerful lung support. Our formula is designed to cleanse your lungs and airways, channeling old mucus and lung buildup out. Unclog your airways and strengthen your breathing in 8 weeks, helping you breathe easy again.Relief of symptoms and sequelae of pulmonary cough caused by New Coronary Pneumonia (COVID-19) virus
PulmoSafe™ Natural Lung Cleansing Herbal Drops

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that more than 100 million people suffer from respiratory diseases each year, and the CDC also notes that cases of influenza, pneumonia, and other respiratory diseases have increased in recent years, with the new coronary pneumonia (COVID-19) epidemic, especially in recent years, being one of the leading causes of increased mortality.

Thanks to PulmoSafe™, more than 100,000 people have been relieved of various respiratory symptoms…

Ezequiel Reid, 44, Fresno, California

“Despite wearing a mask every day for protection, I unfortunately contracted the new coronavirus. I often felt shortness of breath, coughing and chest pain. I went to the hospital for a few days, but there was little improvement and the results of treatment with conventional medication were less than satisfactory. By chance, I purchased PulmoSafe™, a natural herbal drop that can be used for lung and breathing support. I started using this drop and I felt that my breathing became more natural and my cough became less. I continued to use PulmoSafe™ drops every day and stuck to proper rest and maintaining a healthy diet at home. Gradually, my symptoms began to subside and I felt more energetic and healthy. I am really grateful for PulmoSafe™ drops as it has played a vital role in my recovery. I highly recommend this natural herbal drop as a very effective complementary treatment for those who, like me, are struggling with respiratory illness and the new coronavirus.”

PulmoSafe™ Natural Lung Cleansing Herbal Drops

Eugene Hunt, 50, Bangor, Maine

“I have COPD. I can breathe so much better now! I have COPD and I have been very worried about my lung function. Even after using the inhaler, I could barely breathe. My oxygen levels were always below 90 at night, which is why I was so happy to find PulmoSafe™ Natural Lung Cleansing Herbal Drops. I’ve been taking it for about a month now and my oxygen levels are always above 90! In fact, I can breathe again as if I haven’t breathed in a long time. I used to feel like I was breathing through a blanket or something. But that’s gone now. And, at night, I used to let this horrible mucus run down the back of my throat and into my lungs. I don’t have that anymore. I sleep much better. the great thing about PulmoSafe™ is that it’s 100% natural and organic. So if you If you want to be able to take a deep breath and get back into the swing of life like you used to, then you want PulmoSafe™ your lungs will be so much better for it.”

Are You Having Any Of These Respiratory Issues?

Novel coronavirus pneumonia has a serious global public health impact as an emerging respiratory disease. It is extremely contagious, requiring ventilator treatment in severe cases and has a high mortality rate. It has been present in our lives from its occurrence to the present. In this context, the development of an effective drug to prevent and treat respiratory diseases has become an urgent task.

PulmoSafe™ Natural Lung Cleansing Herbal Drops

Try this PulmoSafe™ Natural Lung Cleansing Herbal Drops for Lung and Respiratory Support!

PulmoSafe™ Natural Lung Cleansing Herbal Drops

PulmoSafe™ Natural Lung Cleansing Herbal Drops works through the bloodstream to stimulate and dilute mucus in the airways and lungs, helping to expel phlegm and lung residue within 2 hours and unclog the airways. The PulmoSafe™ research team pioneered the use of Radiciciclovir (RDV), a combination of natural extracts such as Miscanthus and Dendrobium, to help regenerate airway and alveolar tissue in the lungs, leaving you with healthy, clear lungs.

PulmoSafe™ Natural Lung Cleansing Herbal Drops

The Respiratory System: How You Breathe, and Why It Matters

The respiratory system is a series of organs that work together to help your body breathe. The lungs are the most important part of the respiratory system, as they are responsible for taking in oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide. It’s made up of your lungs, nose, mouth, throat, windpipe, diaphragm, and rib cage.

PulmoSafe™ Natural Lung Cleansing Herbal Drops
Respiratory Illnesses: What You Need to Know

Respiratory illnesses are a broad category of conditions that affect your breathing and the cells in your lungs, nose, windpipe, throat and sinuses. These conditions include asthma, emphysema, pneumonia, and bronchitis. They can be caused by bacteria, viruses, or other germs. 

PulmoSafe™ Natural Lung Cleansing Herbal Drops

Respiratory illnesses can cause shortness of breath (dyspnea), chest pain, coughing up mucus (sputum), fever, chills, fatigue, loss of appetite, and more. Some people also have chest tightness or wheezing (stridor), In the middle and late stages of diseases such as COPD, for most patients, it is even a luxury to be able to complete a flight of stairs.

Are you having all these problems and are sick of drugs and side effects, try to find a natural and effective way.

PulmoSafe™ Natural Lung Cleansing Herbal Drops

RDV (raltegravir) plays an important role in the treatment of novel coronavirus pneumonia

Novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus type 2 (SARS-CoV-2).Symptoms of COVID-19 include fever, cough, malaise, shortness of breath, muscle or joint pain, sore throat, loss of smell or taste, headache, chills, and coughing sputum. Disease severity ranges from mild symptoms to severe illness, which can lead to death.COVID-19 is spread by droplet transmission and contact. RDV-Redcicevir can suppress the disease and transmission.

RDV-Redesivir is a nucleotide analog that prevents viral replication in humans by being recognized by viral RNA polymerase and introduced into the RNA chain, replacing nucleotides in the viral RNA chain and causing termination of the RNA chain. It inhibits the replication and multiplication of the virus in the host cell and reduces the extent and number of virus infections. By inhibiting the replication and multiplication of neo-coronavirus, Radcicivir can alleviate the symptoms of neo-coronavirus patients, as well as effectively prevent re-infection with different types of novel coronavirus strains during subsequent life.

PulmoSafe™ Natural Lung Cleansing Herbal Drops

PulmoSafe™, developed by the research team of Dr. Emory Hoyfman, a US-based pharmacologist and virologist, creatively utilizes RNA conversion substitution technology to ensure that RDV (Remdesivir) is effectively absorbed by the body. As a result, PulmoSafe™ enters the human respiratory tract and acts quickly to protect the lungs against viral infections and reproduction.

PulmoSafe™ Key Natural Ingredients

Mullein: The Hidden Gem from Tropical Forest with Over 400 Years of Respiratory Healing History

Mullein Extract:

PulmoSafe™ Natural Lung Cleansing Herbal Drops
Mullein has over 400 years of respiratory healing history. The roots and leaves contain a large amount of verbascoside and other bioactive compounds. These key bioactive compounds can effectively relieve symptoms of respiratory diseases such as cough, asthma, sinusitis, bronchitis, and Copd.
  • Contains over 50% (1,3)-(1,6)-Beta-D-Glucan, the key active ingredient for effective relief of respiratory symptoms
  • Effective in Relief of Respiratory Symptoms, Sinusitis, Asthma, Chronic Cough and Colds
  • Clinically Tested With 6 Breath Therapy Properties
  • prevent disease
  • lower risk of inflammation
  • asthma relief
  • relieve emphysema
  • Relieve COPD

Dendrobium Extract:

PulmoSafe™ Natural Lung Cleansing Herbal Drops
Dendrobium officinale: Dendrobium officinale is a medicinal material widely used in natural therapy in Japan in recent years. Its rhizome is rich in Quercetin, which can enhance the respiratory function of the lungs and clean up the residual waste and toxins in the respiratory system. Due to its special chemical properties, It can resist the release of histamine, greatly reduce the occurrence of allergies/asthma, and prevent inflammation of the sinuses/trachea.
  • Cure respiratory disease
  • Rich in antioxidants
  • Helps the body to fight free radicals
  • Helps boost the immune system
  • Stops inflammatory activities
  • Counters / Fights carcinogens
  • Improves heart health

Vasaka leaf Extract:

PulmoSafe™ Natural Lung Cleansing Herbal Drops

Vasaka leaf, also known as Adhatoda vasica or Malabar nut is a popular Ayurvedic respiratory healer. It works as a strong stimulator of the bronchial system thereby eliminates excess phlegm from the throat, clear the lungs and improves bronchodilation, and treats bronchitis, tuberculosis, and other lung disorders.

PulmoSafe™ Natural Lung Cleansing Herbal Drops for Lung and Respiratory Support  is used all over the world

“Earlier this year, I was on my way to the hospital when I felt shortness of breath and my temperature started to rise. After tests, I was diagnosed with a new coronavirus infection. My condition started to get worse and I felt increasingly difficult to breathe and felt very uncomfortable and scared. Despite the treatment I received at the hospital, my condition did not go into remission. I started using PulmoSafe™ with drops several times a day. The first time I used it I felt that I was breathing more smoothly. After a few days I started to feel more energetic and was able to sleep and eat better. After two weeks I was fully recovered, my lung function was fully restored and I was able to go back to my normal life. I am so happy that PulmoSafe™ drops has not only helped me recover, but has also given me back my confidence and hope.”–Sarah Johnson

PulmoSafe™ Natural Lung Cleansing Herbal Drops

“I have been suffering from underlying illnesses such as lung disease and heart disease. in early 2021, I started experiencing shortness of breath, shortness of breath, and other symptoms that were very uncomfortable. We started to receive various medications, oxygen therapy, etc. in the hospital. However, the treatment was not effective and the condition got worse. The doctor learned about PulmoSafe™, a natural herbal drop, and introduced us to this product. PulmoSafe™ not only improved my respiratory system, but also improved my immune system and body resistance, which helped to control my condition. After nearly two weeks of treatment, his condition gradually stabilized and he finally successfully overcame the disease and was discharged from the hospital. I am very grateful to come across PulmoSafe™, a natural herbal drop.”–Michael Brown

Amazing Health Benefits of PulmoSafe™ Drops:

PulmoSafe™ Natural Lung Cleansing Herbal Drops

How to Use:

  • Remove the cap from the product, aim it towards the mouth, and drops twice. Repeat this three times a day.
  • It is not recommended to exceed 5 ml of dosage in a day.
PulmoSafe™ Natural Lung Cleansing Herbal Drops
PulmoSafe™ Natural Lung Cleansing Herbal Drops
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